Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Independence Day

Martina McBride sings a song that I love...

original designs by JGoode at myJGD.com


Long story short --

1) The Police made him leave last night.
2) We go to divorce court on January 11, 2007. (He turns 30 on this day.)
3) He has spent the little money that he saved for his fine on alcohol and cigarettes.

Starting tonight -- I will begin a new feature:

First night away from his kids. Three beautiful kids. Any phone calls? NO. He has a cell phone, it works, he's been talking to other people. Did he call to wish them good night and ask about their day? NO. I miss you and I'm sorry? NO.

He took his $100 bill with him has he bought his son a birthday present for tomorrow? NOPE - - beer and cigarettes.

Yep -- World's Best Dad!!!

Here's what a BITCH does without World's Best Dad around... Takes care of three kids, keeps them home from school to explain and show extra attention due to the change to come in their life. Three baths, cleans house, laundry 4 loads, makes the boy a birthday cake (devil's food with cream cheese icing), and assembles one bad-ass batman pedal car for the boy's birthday. Yep -- that's what he calls me and that's what I am -- Being In Total Control of Herself.


Anonymous said...

You kick a SERIOUS load of @$$. Good on ya.

That son of yours deserves far better than what J can offer right now. In a couple years, if J can show he's clean and sober and holding a GOOD JOB...then maybe he can play house again. Right now, you are far more man than him...and I beginning more man than me.

Prayers and unwaivering support.

Anonymous said...

I love the BITCH! You are strong and don't forget it. I am so veryour proud of you. Keep up the good work and remember your kids are lucky to have you. Take care and stay strong.

Anonymous said...

You go girl!!!!