Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Just Shoot me Between the Eyes

Please!!! I can't take this anymore...

Once again -- Here I am with pinkeye...
Here I am without pinkeye.I want to go to work. I have missed Soooo much here lately -- with children, husband, myself, pinkeye -- I KNOW my priority is to be Mommy, but I am so overwhelmed and I am just about at my wits end. I thank God every night for having a wonderful bunch of coworkers.

Hopefully, we can all get over this pinkeye, and all of this seasonal crap so we can get back to normal. Oh and joy of joys -- husband said he was puking at work last night. I told him to STAY AWAY from me.

I know -- I'm whiney today.

By the way, do you know how hard it is, with pink eye as the Mama to NOT touch stuff. I couldn't fix the girls' hair this morning, or dress them, they did themselves and they look like they dressed themselves. Just think of all the things you touch...

Today I am thankful for hand sanitizer.


Sober Steve said...

Looks like things are getting better in your world. Hope kids get over everything soon, so you all can enjoy spring.


Anonymous said...

what about #1 child, will she get it again? didn't she have it last year? Goodness! i was gonna invite yall up to have a cookout this weekend (we'll plan another time), let me know when you all are well and not contagious.

Your big sister.

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