Thursday, October 05, 2006


Have you ever had one of those weeks that you just wanted to hide from everything?

Here's all the crap that is going on:
  1. I closed a bank account -- screwed up and overlooked a couple of bills that were Automatic Bank Draft -- they were returned and people treat you like you are scum for having a check return. You explain and apologize, are proactive and they are like sure... On top of that they hit you with fees -- thus rolling up the charges. When you are on less than a shoestring budget, well lets just say -- the shoe fell off.
  2. My mom was sick yesterday with a stomach virus-it started for her the night before, and yes -- I got it next. Am going to the doctor today because I feel as though I have been beaten with a two x four. Thought, I might get some stuff done for work and for here at the house. Nope. It hurts to move. With a 22 month old using you as a trampoline on top of that. I am quite weary. On top of that J**** had to work until dark, so I'm stuck with three wild young'ns and all I wanted was a break.
  3. Had to meet with the school counselor, teacher, and speech therapist for Ms. G***** today. She has pronunciation problems. S, sh, ch, f, l, sounds are difficult for her, aren't they for most five year olds. Anyway, she is going to undergo further testing and will begin therapy at school. The teacher said that when she talks she speaks very softly and holds her head down looking at the ground. But if you ask the child to sing, she is the loudest, clearest in the room. I believe the poor thing just has never had to talk that much because big sister says it all for her. G***** just can't get a word in edgewise.
  4. I ran out of checks. Do you know how inconvenient it is to not have any checks? School picture money is due tomorrow. I've got cash and will have my mother write the checks for the pictures.
  5. Dance class is tonight. I really don't want to set for 1 hour waiting on two little ballerinas. But, hey that's what mom's do.
  6. Candle order pick up is tomorrow. I hate being a PTO sales rep. Aren't all parents PTO sales reps? Well we pick up the candles tomorrow. Then I have to distribute them all. On top of that they schedule the pickup to coincide with the lovely fall festival -- so kids will want to stay, play, eat overpriced pizza and just wear me down. It will be fun. Really, it will.
  7. I feel guilty as hell for missing two days of work. But what am I supposed to do, Mom's sick, I'm sick. I have been checking in. But, the whiney one is left alone and she will duly punish me. Leave time is diminishing quickly. Oh how I want to be a stay-at-home mom. The things I could do--as the Fisher Price motto states: "Oh the Possibilities."
  8. I registered online with that David Ramsey program for making yourself debt free. I'm not real disciplined, we'll see how that goes. First thing it wants you to do is save $1,000. Wow, $1,000. "Oh, the Possibilities."
  9. Confession: I have been bad and stopped taking my Prozac about a month ago. Will confess to my doctor this afternoon and go back on the antidepressant. Maybe the overwhelmed feeling will go away.
  10. F**** had a field trip today. So I had to make her lunch. No drink. OMG I have nothing for her to take to drink. Thank goodness for neighbor with fifth grader. He gave me something for her to take to drink. The neighbors must think I'm nuts.
  11. Law was called on us for being too redneck. We have two junk cars in the yard. But, hey, they are NOT on concrete blocks. We have 10 days to get rid of one of them. I told him it would come to this.
Good and cute stuff:
  1. He's on his best behavior. I know it doesn't count for anything, but I'll take it when I can get it.
  2. I'm still working on getting organized. I have an evening itinerary to keep up with the time and the kids like the structure. Oddly, I allow them to play when they get home, then we have supper, then we sit down and have homework time -- which they enjoy. I clean up the kitchen while they do their homework or a semblance of homework (Kindergarten and First Grade). D***** even gets paper and crayon to join in the fun.
  3. F**** told me that Monday is Columbus Day. "That is a day when this man, I can't remember his name, was on this boat, and found this land." I explained the man's name was Columbus thus the name of the day. There were three boats, "The Nina, The Pinta, and the Santa Maria." Fun for her to say. Then I tried to teach her the rhyme I learned in second grade. "In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue...." she stopped me. "Mommy, what is 1492?" I explained that was the year that he found the Americas. "When was that?" Over 500 years ago. "Mommy, were you there?" Enough said.
Well, hope ya'll are enjoying my new blogging style. Trying not to focus so much on him, but on our family, our needs, me and my needs.

Like I have said before, life's a ride and if he wants to be part of it, he needs to get on the bus.

Love ya'll.

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