Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Was talking to my father-in-law the other night and relaying a story of someone speaking to a psychic. The ideas that the woman relayed were amazing and it was impossible for her to know facts that she revealed. It was a touching revelation and made us say WOW.

The psychic avows that she is strong in faith to the God in Heaven and I do not doubt her, I am amazed at this power, and I pray for her, because it must be an awful burden to bear.

A friend of mine warned about psychic interaction and that we need to be certain of the source of her visions. What is her source of revelation? By hearing the account of the reading, and hearing what she said, I feel that she gave God the glory for her gift (note she did not say she was talking to God).

Would I want a psychic reading? I doubt it -- Que sera sera "Whatever will be, will be." I don't want to know -- I don't want anything to sway my life choices or to cause me to rethink or to avoid life happening. I have faith that God will help me through and I am an independent, free willed spirit, that just likes to do it myself.

Some will say (Christians) that the spiritual gift of prophecy no longer exists. I agree that spiritual gifts (miracles) were acquired by the laying on of hands by the apostles, but is her gift something to be considered a miracle. If so then anyone who has had a "vision" would be considered a heretic. I myself have dreamed of someone saying goodbye, only to find out the next day that they have passed.

But -- I ramble just to tell of this one incident --

Does God talk to us and comfort us today? Yes -- I think he does.

Recently I was told by someone close to me that they do not believe God exists. This to me was disheartening, I fretted all day and into the night. I went outside near midnight and looked into the sky and the moon was more bright than I had ever seen it and around it were the colors of the rainbow. Wow I thought how beautiful.

I ran inside to the computer to see who I could IM to go out and look at the moon. I IM'd my first friend (one who claims to be an atheist) and lives in the next county (within 25 miles). He looked and came back and said -- "I don't see it." It is bright, but no rainbow. I then IM'd another friend, a photographer at that, (he is not a Christian, but something like a Wiccan) he came back and said -- "It is very bright, but no colors." (This man lives in another adjacent county within 15 miles).

Father-in-law got up and I said -- come look outside at the moon. He looked up and said "Wow."

I truly believe that God set that moon and that rainbow in the sky for me. The rainbow is a symbol of His promise. He talks to us, not by sitting down and having a conversation, but he knew I needed His fatherly touch that night.


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